courage deserves Compassion

Your past isn’t your future. Your resume isn’t your destiny.


Recovery Career Services works with people in recovery to help them rebuild their careers. We provide coaching, workshops, education and support for people who have begun a new journey, and are ready to return to work. We also serve human resources professionals and a wide range of organizations working to reclaim employee potential and offer second chance employment.

Individuals in recovery face unique challenges. They have to align recovery life with work life: they have to balance workplace culture and expectations with the requirements of recovery. They also have to think about how to explain their past to a prospective employer, acknowledging the past while communicating the value they can add to an organization in the future.

It’s a difficult balance. But our work lives create feelings of success and purpose; recovery isn’t complete without addressing those basic human needs. To integrate work life into sober life, Recovery Career Services offers a suite of services to people in recovery and their employers, benefitting both.

Recovery Career Services is a Preferred Provider in the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation Patient Care Network.

Coaching and Individual Support


For Employees

Our coaching programs serve individuals in all phases of recovery. We help future employees overcome barriers to employment and present their best selves throughout the job search. We also serve those in recovery and still working, helping them to keep their jobs, improve relations with coworkers and repair their reputations.

We serve a wide range of clients, from those in early recovery looking for that first job in sobriety to someone who has built a new foundation and is working on advancing to the next stage of their career.

Coaching is how we take the lessons of the past and apply them to your life — not in an abstract way, but with your unique potential as our template. Let’s talk.

For Employers

There’s too much untapped human potential. When we disqualify employees before we get to know them — when we fail to even consider those who don’t fit a predefined mold — we lose creativity, resilience, tenacity and strength.

People in recovery demonstrate these kinds of valuable job skills every day. If you have the strength to change your life and the tenacity to stick with it, you can add those same hard-to-come-by traits to any team or organization. Those employers who give a second chance learn that the value of a second chance isn’t only realized by the one who receives it.

We also serve employers who are reintegrating existing employees into the workplace after a leave of absence. Learn more about our programs for employers or contact us to find out how we can help you realize the full value of human potential.

online and in person Education


People in recovery face unique challenges when job hunting. Our presentations for job seekers can help them overcome those obstacles. Taught with compassion from lived experience, attendees develop an actionable plan that can facilitate returning to employment and reaching career goals.

We also offer presentations for employers and organizations that serve job seekers, providing information about creating job opportunities for individuals with barriers to employment.

Both sets of presentations provide a good foundation for coaching. Exercises and discussions provide broad solutions that can be finely tailored to individual job searches in a coaching program. This can be especially useful for those taking a more complicated path to employment and career success.


Our course on how to get and keep work in recovery addresses a range of unique job hunting challenges, helping people in the first two years of recovery recognize, build, and communicate their value to prospective employers.

A second course serves those who are trying to rescue their careers. It’s designed for individuals who have gone to rehab or taken a leave to address substance issues. It’s a chance to change course for those who recognize that their use has placed them at a career crossroads.

Both courses are offered online and offline, and are made available to both organizations serving people in recovery and anyone else walking the path back to a fulfilling career.


Inspiration and connection


public speaking

Ty’s story of addiction, loss and recovery is a compelling example: a reminder that every one of us has potential, and that change is always possible. His honesty and humor offer a wide variety of audiences the chance to apply his lessons to their own lives.

If you’re interested in sharing his inspirational, unflinching story, contact us to learn more about having Ty speak at your event.

ty’s story

Addiction treated Ty Reed no better than it treats most. In 2014, after years of alcohol and drug abuse — obscured behind the facade of a double life — Ty found himself homeless, addicted and unemployable. Even then, it took another two years of experiencing jail, a mental commitment, and suicide attempts for him to find the desperation needed to get into recovery.

It’s hard to imagine. But that’s the point of telling Ty’s story: each person struggling with addiction is, first, a person. We are not disposable or dispensable. Everyone has potential and there is a real, actionable path that can help us achieve it.

But the best way to learn Ty’s story is through his own words. If you’d like to learn more about how to share Ty’s story with your audience, we welcome your interest.

Advice and information