Employing and Managing People with Addictions
For businesses and managers of people, it can be tricky to know the do’s and don’ts of doing what is best for employees with substance issues and working in the interests of the company as well.

Once I Go to Treatment, Am I “Cured” of Being an Alcoholic or Addict?
Just like going to the gym for a month will not make up for a life filled with bad eating and poor exercise habits, a month (or six) in a rehabilitation facility will not “cure” an addict or alcoholic of their condition.

Can I Be Fired for Going to Rehab?
In short, your employer cannot legally fire you for going to rehab. You have some protections under the law.

What Does a Vocational Rehabilitation Agency do?
Every state has a vocational rehabilitation agency designed to help individuals with disabilities meet their employment goals. Vocational rehabilitation agencies assist individuals with disabilities to prepare for, obtain, maintain, or regain employment.