What is the Easiest Way for an Employer to Show That They Have Inclusive Hiring Practices?
Employers do a great job of having equal employment opportunity statements, in accordance with their principles (and the law).

How Do I list Jobs From Prison on My Resume?
The prospect of listing employment held while incarcerated can be intimidating.

What Should I Include in My Letter of Explanation About My Criminal History?
Telling the truth about your criminal convictions is critical because this honesty gives you the best opportunity to demonstrate your honesty to an employer. If you are applying for work, have a criminal record, and know the employer is going to run a background check, you should have a letter of explanation (LOE) prepared.

How Can an Employer Spot Signs of Substance Abuse in an Employee?
The answer to this used to be pretty straightforward in a world where workers went to the office on a regular basis. Employers could look for visual cues, such as a haggard appearance, disheveled clothing, or the smell of alcohol.

How Do I Get People to Write Recommendation Letters?
For people in recovery rebuilding their professional lives, letters of recommendation are like gold. They help you stand out from other job applicants and show a prospective employer that you are a candidate they should take seriously.

How Can Recovery Help Me Become More Valuable to an Employer?
For individuals recovering from addiction and alcoholism, one of the best ways to build value to an employer is to be engaged in some form of recovery. By “engaged in recovery,” I mean being active in any process that helps get you in connection with others, so you are not trying to manage not using substances on your own.

How Do I Come Back from a Relapse?
The most important thing: come back! Getting sober is rarely a straight line. It sometimes has some detours along the way.

Where Are the Best Places to Look for Employment In Early Recovery?
When I got sober, I had some early setbacks finding work because I applied at the wrong places. I had a significant job gap and criminal convictions to contend with and applied at some large companies that couldn’t hire me due to their inflexible policies. Big mistake!

How to Use “People First” Language When Speaking About Individuals in Recovery
Using “people first” language helps to first emphasize the dignity of a person as a human being, rather than labeling their condition or something they have experienced as the thing that defines them.

What is The ABC Employment Path?
For those in recovery from addiction, homelessness, and past criminal justice involvement, getting a job isn’t always challenging, but getting a job that offers long-term potential and advancement can be trickier. Often, job seekers in this situation find themselves stuck in entry-level positions for much longer than they would like.
The ABC Employment Path offers a way to think about employment milestones to continue moving forward and provide hope.