How Can an Employer Spot Signs of Substance Abuse in an Employee?
The answer to this used to be pretty straightforward in a world where workers went to the office on a regular basis. Employers could look for visual cues, such as a haggard appearance, disheveled clothing, or the smell of alcohol.

Recovery Career Services is Now a Hazelden Betty Ford Preferred Provider
Hazelden Betty Ford is a world-renowned provider of addiction and mental health treatment services. For more than 70 years, Hazelden Betty Ford has been at the forefront of providing lifesaving, compassionate care and specialized services to help people from all walks of life get to feeling like their best selves.

Do I Have to Quit Drinking to Save My Career?
I get asked this question a lot. The answer is absolutely, positively, definitely…maybe.
When thinking about rescuing a career impacted by alcohol or drugs, the question to ponder is: if I don’t decide to quit using substances, what is my plan to manage my use so that it doesn’t affect my work?